Here are resources pertinent to developers, committers, release managers and Project Management Committee (PMC) members contributing to any Apache project.
If you can't find information here, ask on your project's mailing list, or contact the Community Development project's mailing list for more general questions. There are many experienced ASF people ready to help.
Here are links to high-level information about The ASF's infrastructure, and the Infrastructure team (Infra) that maintains it.
infra.apache.org has more detailed information for projects, contributors, and committers:
Infra's Confluence Wiki area has detailed technical information, script snippets, and other resources to help Project Management Committees do what they need to do.
If you cannot find the resource or guidance you need, contact Infra.
The project PMC must be involved in any requests for Infrastructure assistance. Remember that PMCs can handle many infrastructure items themselves. Read the PMC FAQ.
Learn how to...
Learn the duties of the PMC Chairs
How to
Each project uses an issue tracker of their choice to track bugs, enhancement requests, and other action items - typically GitHub Issues, Jira, or BugZilla. Check the website of the project in which you are interestaed to learn what they use.
, community@
and various announcement lists.Apache provides a paste bin service for committers to use at https://paste.apache.org.
Anyone can view the pastes (except those marked 'committers only'), but only committers are allowed to paste new data on the site.
Infrastructure hosts the s.apache.org URL shortening service for our committers. When including URLs in PMC reports, please use this service and not other URL shorteners.