These are best practices for Apache® projects and PMCs managing their own social media accounts that include Apache project brands or trademarks in the names.
Third parties should ensure that their usage of Apache® trademarks in their own social media conforms to our Apache Trademark Policy.
See Also: all Trademark Resources and the Corporate Recognition/Linking Guidelines.
These best practices are written from the perspective of Apache projects, podlings, and communities managing their own branded accounts in conjunction with a PMC. In general, only the PMC has standing to speak officially on behalf of that Apache project as a whole.
While we believe these are good practices for any social media, they apply in particular to any social media account name (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) that includes an Apache project brand or trademark as part of the name. When using the name or brand of a project as part of your social media name, most readers will see a direct connection to that project, and may believe it is an "official" voice. Everyone is free to manage personal social media accounts as they choose; however if the social media account name includes an Apache brand these best practices should be followed.
Access to a project's social media accounts should be managed through the PMC. To ensure fairness, and consistency when project members come and go, access should be through aggregation tools (like Hootsuite for Twitter) that do not require disseminating the underlying login credentials. Relying on a single PMC member to control access is not recommended. PMCs are responsible for managing these accounts, not Apache Infrastructure.
PMCs are free to use lazy consensus, voting, or an "all committers granted access" policy to control access as they see fit for the accounts they manage. PMCs are encouraged to own social media accounts that use their primary branding where practical (i.e. if an outside entity or single committer owns the account, it's a good idea to see if they will donate it to the PMC).
Anything said in public is fair game for the press.
Be polite when posting or replying
Share relevant, positive information.
Be sure information is public
Apache projects do not have "sponsors"
Don't use Apache project social media accounts to promote unrelated commercial activities.
When in doubt, ask
If you're unclear on whether a post or item is OK, ask first on the appropriate dev@ or other mailing list for your project. The other contributors on the list should always be happy to discuss and offer guidance on what is and isn't appropriate for your project's social media activities.
It's helpful to familiarize yourself with Apache's Media and Analyst Relations pages and PMC brand management pages.
Some of the ASF's official Twitter accounts are @TheASF, @ApacheCon, and @ASFBrands, and many projects run their own official Twitter accounts.
Nothing in this ASF webpage shall be interpreted to allow any third party to claim any association with the Apache Software Foundation or any of its projects or to imply any approval or support by ASF for any third party products or services.
These guidelines are meant to document best practices for use of social media using Apache brands, and do not override or replace our formal Trademark Policy. If you have any questions about trademarks or branding, please read our trademark resources or contact us. If you have questions or suggestions about these guidelines, please contact the Community Development PMC.
Thanks and credit to the Apache CloudStack Social Media Guidelines.